It is about time I get a little personal on my blog. Here is me sipping on a delicious cucumber lime mint juice. Maybe this post is about me wanting to drink more juice in the new year, its not, but that is a neat resolution I should try. I have been thinking about writing a 2018 goals post, or maybe how to start over for the new year, but I realized that is not very realistic for me. (Also, this is kinda late, since the New Year was almost a week ago, it's fine, I'm late in about every aspect of life). To be honest, I don't want to start over, I want to just continue where I left off in 2017. Last year, I definitely wanted to start over and find a new path to follow, but right now, I thoroughly enjoy the path I am on.

It is a new year, but it is the same me.

Do not get me wrong, I still want to grow and keep striving to be the best I can be, but I am in no rush to take a 180 in my life. In fact, this year, I want to be more me than I ever have been. I want to let my passions shine through me! Does anyone else feel as if sometimes they are ashamed of what they enjoy because other people do not also enjoy it? Maybe that is my anxiety holding me back, but I don't want that to be the case anymore! I finally started to not care as much about what other people think, which is definitely difficult in the world we live in, but we gotta stay strong. Don't let anyone stand in your way of what you are passionate about. I am excited to stop trying to hide my interests, and instead, I will let them drive my course this year. 

Personal goal wise in 2018, I want to be more intentional. Intentional with my relationships, actions, and decisions. I have always had an issue with the whole filter thing when speaking, which soon reflected on everything I did. I want to really think things through and make the most of everything that comes my way. I want to be more spontaneous too though. Maybe that is contradicting, but more spontaneous with my experiences, and more thoughtful with my decisions. Makes sense in my head at least! I also want to ask more questions - meaningful, personable questions - to the people in my life. I have discovered so much when I simply take a few minutes away from myself and indulge in all others have to say. I am a huuuuge talker, so I am going to make a strong effort to be more of a listener. I want to read more in the new year too - something my mother would have never thought would come out of my mouth. Let's see if I can actually tackle my goal of reading a new book every month, stay tuned!

With my blog, I want to produce more raw, fascinating content. I am planning on posting a lot more often and consistently. This post is the first of many where I dive into my thoughts and get super personal with you all! I unfortunately feel I have not portrayed myself as much as I could, so I really want to make that a focus this year! I know I love reading when other I can tell who someone really is on their blog, so why not try it on my own. I want to be unconditonally me. I also want to be better about staying on top of trends and updating everyone on sales, especially on my instagram. I hope to reach 1,000 instagram followers this year too, so if you do not follow me go ahead @thelifeofjojo_!

I am truly beyond excited for 2018. I am still going to be the same star-obsessed, too much coffee-drinking, and pretzel-eating gal, but with big aspirations and expectations to reach higher than I ever have! I have a lot of fun trips and great opportunities coming up, that I cannot wait to share with y'all. Thank you so much for reading - I would love to hear your own goals for 2018 and whether you want a fresh start or a continuation from 2017! ✰




Best of 2017