I have never been great at keeping, let alone making goals. Since working for the Self-Made CEO Podcast, my mind has been emersed into goal setting tactics and success stories, which has definitely pushed me to switch focus. With that said! I do want to set goals for myself this year, 2020 is a huge year simply in terms of where my life is headed.

Here are 20 goals and intentions I hope to accomplish within and by the end of 2020...
  1. Move to a new city!
  2. Stop worrying about my number of followers on Instagram, and focus on growing my other platforms.
  3. Every time I purchase a new clothing item, I get rid of one I own.
  4. Receive my first official Graphic Design client.
  5. Make consistent YouTube videos.
  6. Serve and give back to my Greek Orthodox Community.
  7. Do a skincare routine every morning and evening
  8. Move at least 30 mins each day.
  9. Fill my days with more abundance and less sacrifice
  10. Strengthen my hand-lettering skills.
  11. Eat at least one plant-based meal a day.
  12. Make coffee at home almost every day. 
  13. Spend my money with a long-term mindset, instead of a short-term. 
  14. Graduate from college with honors.
  15. Spend meaningful time with my college friends. 
  16. Travel with my boyfriend. 
  17. Focus on my mental health
  18. Push myself to accomplish more and more.
  19. Create at least one new thing every day.
  20. Get a real job hopefully in the creative/fashion field! 
I am beyond ready for 2020. I also got the coin in our Vasilopita, which if you are Greek you KNOW, but if not it means I received good luck for the year! I have a feeling it is going to be a good one. 

This list is not set in stone, as I imagine I could drastically change at any point in the year, but this will help me as a reference to stay accountable! What are some of your goals for this new decade? Comment down below! 

I hope everyone has a fabulous new year, cheers! 


